Saturday, December 18, 2021


Experimentation helps learning.

Driving to my "food on the table" job early one morning

I liked the lights , picked up the camera , 

tried to aim,

and shot. 

Maybe next time go earlier stop and use a tripod? 

Thursday, December 16, 2021


Not much of a photograph , snapshot or art,

But , something to practice on.

If you are associated with a group in your neighborhood

you may have plenty of photographic opportunities .

Monday, November 1, 2021


I am trying to get back into the "Photographic State of Mind", so I spent a couple hours in our local small rural town, DeFuniak Springs  in Walton County Florida ,that  can have some interesting photographic opportunities.

Sometimes construction dumpsters can cause adaptation and overcome obstacles in your vision of a "good" photograph?

Sometimes street photography in a small town can be a test on how your skills are holding up?