Sunday, April 26, 2020

This Week's Photographer's Quote

This   Week,s   Photographer,s  Quote,

   "Photography  takes  an  instant  out of  time,
     altering   life  by  holding  it  still."

     By,  Dorothea  Lange.

Saturday, April 18, 2020

Garden Flower

Flower from our garden, a zucchini plant.
The question is,
   "How else ,  what other way , can I photograph it?"

Photo by phone,

This Week,s Photographer,s Quote

This   Week's   Photographer's   Quote

"The  biggest  cliche 

      in  landscape   photography

      is  sunrise   and   sunset."

By  Catherine Opie

Tuesday, April 7, 2020

Photo by phone.
Flower in the backyard that maybe
the subject of my next still life
photo project?

Sunday, April 5, 2020

This Week,s Photographers Quote

This Week,s  Photographer,s  Quote.

"Photography  is  a  way  of  feeling,  of touching ,
   of  loving.
What  you  have  caught  on  film is  captured  forever...
it  remembers  little  things,
long  after  you  have  forgotten   everything."

By , Aaron Siskind

Saturday, April 4, 2020

We call it , "the Frog Pond". A little pond made up where a spring is located behind our home.
It needs a little attention , clean up fallen limbs and remove the invasive trees and brush growing there. Might help make it more photogenic ? Photo by phone.