Saturday, November 28, 2020

This Week,s Photographers Quote


This  Week,s  Photographer,s Quote.

'' Photography is more than a medium for factual  

    communication of ideas.

     It is creative art.''

'' Quote by Ansel Adams


Wednesday, November 11, 2020

Christmas Cards

I have a very full Rack of Christmas Greeting Cards at the DeFuniak Springs Art Co-op Gallery located at, 601 US Hwy 331 South, DeFuniak Springs , Florida 32435.
We have plenty of good quality Art and unique gifts!
Come and see us and buy something before the Christmas rush!


Saturday, August 8, 2020

This Week's Photographer's Quote


This  Week,s   Photographer,s   Quote,

"It  is  my  intention  to  present---

     through  the  medium  of  photography,

intuitive  observations  of  the  natural  world

which  may  have  meaning

     to  the  spectators."

by Ansel Adams,

Saturday, August 1, 2020

This Week,s Photographer,s Quote

This   Week's   Photographer's   Quote

"One  of  my  passions  is  photography.
I always carry  a  camera  in  my  bag
             when ever I travel.
I always  take  pictures  wherever  I  go.
       and  some of  them  end  up
        being  really  crazy  ones."

Quote by ,  Sunidhi Chauhan

Wednesday, July 15, 2020

Maybe Beginnings Abstract Art ?

                Florida humidity may make the start of some beginnings
                     of abstract art photography?

Friday, July 10, 2020

This Week,s Photographer,s Quote

This   Week's   Photographer's   Quote

"Photography  is  more  than  a  medium 
   for  factual  communication  of  ideas.
              It  is  creative art."

By Ansel Adams

Saturday, July 4, 2020

This Week,s Photographer,s Quote

This  Week"s   Photographer"s   Quote

"It  takes a  lot  of imagination  to  be  a  good  photographer.
       you  need  less imagination  to  be a painter
        because  you  can  invent  things.

But  in  photography  everything  is  so  ordinary;

it  takes  a  lot  of  looking  before  you  learn to
     see  the  extraordinary."

by  David Bailey

Saturday, June 20, 2020

This Week's Photographer's Quote

This  Week,s  Photographer,s  Quote

" Photography is  like a  moment,  an  instant.
   You  need a  half-second  to  get  the  photo.
        So  it's  good  to  capture  people  
         when they  are  themselves."

By Patrick Demarchelier

"Still life" photography to me is different than any other type or style ,because everything included in the end resulting picture , has been intentionally put there. In my puny opinion makes it "art".

                                          Waiting  On  That  First  Pot  Of  Coffee

Thursday, June 18, 2020

Hammer And The Feather

Hammer and a feather , stuff found on the floor at work. 
Some times it make an interesting photo and sometimes it don't.

Sunday, June 14, 2020

This Week,s Photographer,s Quote

This  Week's  Photographer's  Quote

"Photography  is  the  simplest  thing  in  the  world,
 but it  is  incredibly  complicated to
   make  it  really  work."

Saturday, June 6, 2020

I am going back to local locations  and things photographed in the past. Making life simpler!
Station 91, Argyle Volunteer Fire Department , Argyle Florida. Drafting and dump-tank operation training.

Saturday, May 30, 2020

This Week,s Photographer,s Quote

This   Week's   Photographer's   Quote

"Photography  is  a  major force
     in  explaining   man   to   man."

Quote  by;  Edward  Steichen

Sunday, May 24, 2020

This Week,s Photographer,s Quote

This  Week's   Photographer's   Quote

          "To me,  Photography is  an  art  of  observation.

   It,s  about  finding  something  interesting  in an  ordinary  place...
   I've  found  it  has  little  to  do  with  the  things  you  see  and

   everything  to  do  with   way  you  see  them."

by...     Elliott Erwitt

Sunday, May 17, 2020

This Week,s Photographer,s Quote

This   Week,s   Photographer,s   Quote

"As  I  have  practiced it , 

 Photography  produces pleasure by  simplicity.

 I  see  something  special  and  show  it   to  the  camera.

A  picture  is  produced.

The  moment  is  held  until  someone  sees  it.

Then  it  is  theirs."

 Quote  by Sam Abell

Saturday, May 2, 2020

This Week's Photographer's Quote

This   Week,s   Photographer,s   Quote

"Black and white are the colors of  photography.
     To  me  they  symbolize the alternatives
      of  hope  and  despair  to  which  mankind
       is  forever subjected."

By  Robert  Frank

Sunday, April 26, 2020

This Week's Photographer's Quote

This   Week,s   Photographer,s  Quote,

   "Photography  takes  an  instant  out of  time,
     altering   life  by  holding  it  still."

     By,  Dorothea  Lange.

Saturday, April 18, 2020

Garden Flower

Flower from our garden, a zucchini plant.
The question is,
   "How else ,  what other way , can I photograph it?"

Photo by phone,

This Week,s Photographer,s Quote

This   Week's   Photographer's   Quote

"The  biggest  cliche 

      in  landscape   photography

      is  sunrise   and   sunset."

By  Catherine Opie

Tuesday, April 7, 2020

Photo by phone.
Flower in the backyard that maybe
the subject of my next still life
photo project?

Sunday, April 5, 2020

This Week,s Photographers Quote

This Week,s  Photographer,s  Quote.

"Photography  is  a  way  of  feeling,  of touching ,
   of  loving.
What  you  have  caught  on  film is  captured  forever...
it  remembers  little  things,
long  after  you  have  forgotten   everything."

By , Aaron Siskind

Saturday, April 4, 2020

We call it , "the Frog Pond". A little pond made up where a spring is located behind our home.
It needs a little attention , clean up fallen limbs and remove the invasive trees and brush growing there. Might help make it more photogenic ? Photo by phone.

Saturday, March 28, 2020

This Week,s Photographers Quote

This  Week,s  Photographer,s  Quote

"Landscape photography is the supreme test
     of the photographer,
and often the  supreme  disappointment."

By , Ansel Adams

Saturday, March 21, 2020

SnapShots from The "Tractor Pull and Show" at the Pleasant Ridge Arena, March 14 2010.