Saturday, August 20, 2016

This Week's Photographer's Quote

This  Week,s  Photographer,s  Quote

"The best pictures differentiate  themselves by  nuances ...
    a  tiny  relationship -  either  a harmony  or  a  disharmony -
     creates  a  picture.
    A picture  is  the  expression  of  an  impression.
     If  the  beautiful were  not  in  us,
       how  would  we  ever  recognize  it?"

Quote  by  photographer , Ernst Hass .

Thanks  for  stopping  by.
Remember  a photograph can bring back a memory,

Sunday, August 7, 2016

This Week's Photographer's Quote

This  Week,s  Photographer,s  Quote

"I  began  to  realize  that  film  sees  the  world  differently
  than  the  human  eye,  and  that  sometimes  those
   differences  cam  make  a  photograph  more  powerful
   than  what  you  actually  observed."

By  photographer , Galen Rowell

Thanks  for  stopping  by,
   and  don't  forget  to get off the couch
            and  go shoot something!

Saturday, August 6, 2016

Something Else To Photograph

SomeThing  Else  To  Take  Pictures  Of.

                         Why I have not done this before , I don't know?
          Being  an long time member of a very active volunteer fire department ,
I  have had a tremendous  opportunity to photograph  the Argyle Volunteer Fire Department
members, and activities . It will make for some awesome photography!

 Thanks for stopping by,