Sunday, July 31, 2016

Making a Spooky Photo ?


I wonder which of these will make the spookiest picture?

The old , "LakeSide Hospital , DeFuniak Springs , Florida on Circle Drive.
Would it make a good haunted house for Halloween?

Saturday, July 30, 2016

This Week's Photographer's Quote

This  Week,s  Photographer,s  Quote,

"Light  makes  photography.
    Embrace  light.
     Admire  it.
       Love  it.
     But  above  all  , know  light.
Know  it  for  all you  are  worth,
and  you  will  know  the  key  to  photography."

Quote  by  photographer  , George  Eastman

Thanks  for  stopping  by,
  and  remember  to  go  out  and  shoot  something!

Friday, July 29, 2016

This Morning's Photo Walk

This morning I was able to go on a local photo jaunt.
We have a lot of local places that make great images!

Thanks for stopping by.

Saturday, July 23, 2016

This Week's Photographer's Quote

This  Week,s  Photographer,s  Quote,

"The use  of  the term  art  medium  is  ,  to  say  the  lest,
   misleading,  for it  is  the  artist  that  creates  a  work  of  art
     not  the  medium.
  It  is  the  artist  in  photography  that  gives  form  to  content
     by  a  distillation  of  ideas , thought,
         experience , insight  and  understanding."

Quote by photographer  , Edward  Steichen.

Thanks  for  stopping  by,
  and  remember to go shoot  something!

Saturday, July 16, 2016

This Week's Photographer's Quote

This  Week,s  Photographer,s  Quote

"First  and foremost , make it an obvious picture of  color!
  Rather than  looking  for  rocks , leaves,  trees,  waterfalls,
   birds ,  flowers , fire hydrants , starfish , boats,
    orchards , or  bridges ,
            focus  your  energy  and  vision
     on  red  , blue , yellow , orange , green  or  violet.
   Color  first  ,  contents  second ! "

Quote  by  photographer , Bryan Peterson.

Thanks  for  stopping  by,

Remember  to  "Go Shoot Something"

Saturday, July 9, 2016

This Week's Photographer's Quote

This  Week,s  Photographer,s  Quote

"The  medium  of  photography  can  record not only  what  the eye see,
 but  that  which  the  mind's  eye  sees  as  well.
   The  camera  is  not  only  an  extension  of  the  eye , but  of  the  brain.
It  can  see  sharper,  farther , nearer, slower, faster  than  the  eye.
  It  can  see  invisible  light.
It  can  see in the past, present, and future.
  Instead  of  the  camera  only  to  reproduce  objects,
I  wanted  to  use  it  to  make  what  is  invisible  to  the  eye  , visible."

By  photographer ,  Wynn Bullock

Thanks  for  stopping  by,

Remember  to  , Go  out and  Shoot  Something!


Saturday, July 2, 2016

A  lot  of  times  in  landscape  photography,
 patience  and persistence  is  what it takes
to get the results  you  are after.
 Did I get what I  was  looking  for  here ?
  No  , but  there  is  a  maybe next  time!

This Week's Photographer's Quote

This  Week,s  Photographer,s  Quote.

"Portrait  photography  never  had  any  charms  for  me,
   so  I  sought  my  subjects  from  the  house  tops,
   and  finally  from  the  hill-tops  and  about  the  surrounding
     the  taste  strengthening  as  my  successes  became  greater
     in  proportion  to  the  failures."

By  photographer ,  William  Henry  Jackson.

Thanks  for  stopping  by,
   now , go out and shoot  something!