Saturday, April 30, 2016

This Week"s Photographer's Quote

This  Week,s  Photographer,s  Quote,

"Simplify Everything, so you can feel  the  shots
   out  there  waiting  on  you.
   This  gives  you  a  better  sense  of  your
    surroundings  and  more  compelling  pictures."

Quote  by  photographer , Clyde Butcher.

Thanks  for  stopping  by.

Friday, April 22, 2016

This Week's Photographer's Quote,

This  Week,s  Photographer,s  Quote,

"Photographs  bear  witness to  a human  choice  being  exercised  in  a  given  situation.
   A  photograph  is  a  result of the photographer's decision that is worth recording
   that  this particular event or this particular object has been seen.
   If  everything that existed  were  continually  being  photographed ,
    every  photograph  would  become  meaningless."

By photographer , John Berger

 Thanks  for  stopping  by,

Saturday, April 16, 2016

This Week's Photographer's Quote

This  Week,s  Photographer,s  Quote,

"Somehow  Photoshop  and  the  ease  with
             which one  can produce  an image
  has  degraded  the  quality  of  photography  in  general."

by  photographer , Elliott  Erwitt

Thanks  for  stopping  by,

Saturday, April 9, 2016

This Week's Photographer's Quote

This  Week,s  Photographer,s  Quote,

"If  I  have  any 'message' worth  giving to a beginner,
    it is  that  there  are  no  short  cuts  in  photography."

By  photographer , Edward Weston.

Thanks  for  stopping  by.

Saturday, April 2, 2016

This Week's Photographer's Quote,

This  Week,s  Photographer,s  Quote
"What,s in the frame of  the  photograph  matters  artistically,
     to  be  sure  , But  what,s  outside  the  frame  can
      destroy  it."

Quote  by  photographer  ,  Philip Hyde

Thanks  for  stopping   by,

Remember you digital file can be deleted,
 " If  they are important enough to take,
   they are  important enough to print."