Friday, April 24, 2015

This Week's Photographer's Quote

This  week,s  photographer,s  quote,

"There  are two  kinds  of  photographers; those  who  compose  pictures
    and  those  who  take  them.
  The  former work in studios. For  the  latter, the studio  is  the  world....
   For  them, the  ordinary  doesn't  exist;  everything  in  life  is  a
    source  of  nourishment.

By  photographer , Ernst  Haas

Thanks  for  stopping  by.

Saturday, April 18, 2015

With  all  the  rain  we  have  been  having  here  in  Argyle,Florida ,
raindrops  on  the  wild  honeysuckle  blooms  looked  fairly  nice,
so  I  braved the  elements, got  a little  wet , but got a  nice picture.

This Week's Photographer's Quote

This week,s  photographer,s quote,

"The real  truth  of  a  photograph  is  in  its  ability
     to  evoke  emotion."

Quote  by  photographer , Bryan Peterson.

Thanks  for  stopping by.

You can view  some  of my work at

Saturday, April 11, 2015

One more bloom  from  the  backyard.
It has been foggy each morning I have planed to do
sunrise  landscape photos so I have resorted
to stuff  in my backyard. Hope you like it.

Friday, April 10, 2015

This Week's Photographer's Quote

This week,s  photographer,s  quote,

"I've  been  pursuing  the  concept  of  wilderness
    preservation  since  1961.
   I  think  it's  important  for  an  artist  to  have  a  passion---
     You  need  to  find  a  source  of  inspiration."

Quote  by  photographer , Clyde  Butcher.

Thanks  for  stopping  by,

Friday, April 3, 2015

This Week's Photographer's Quote

This  week,s  photographer,s  quote.

Everywhere  is  something  which  could  be  beautiful.
You must only to see and to know what and how to take off,
  to crop from the infinity.
Abstract , fine art, nature,landscape and portrait photography.

By  photographer , Florin Constantinescu

Thanks  for  stopping  by,

A Spring Weed?

A plant in my backyard, could be some kind of weed.
Using a prime macro 40mm lens makes this flower bloom ,
the size of a persons thumb nail, larger than life.
Still it is  unique and pretty.