Saturday, February 28, 2015

Stuff At Wedding's

 What happens when there is no rehearsal before the wedding , Too many directors.

 Balloon's  and high winds  make  for an interesting  dance.

 New to  me , but a neat  idea. Mini-Pine  cones  for  Wedding cake  toppers.

Homemade ,down home, foot stomping  Wedding  music,

Small ,  out in the country Weddings  are  the  best!

 Thanks  For  Stopping  By.

This Week's Photographer's Quote

This week,s  photographer,s quote,

"Photography records the gamut of feelings written  on the  human  face,the beauty  of  the  earth  and  skies that  man  has  inherited, and  the  wealth  and  confusion  man  has  created.  It  is  a  major  force  in  explaining  man  to  man."

Quote  by  photographer , Edward Steichen

Thanks for  stopping  by.

To  see  some  of  my  work  go  to,

Sunday, February 22, 2015

This Week's Photographer's Quote

This week,s  photographer,s  quote,

"What I am after is the moment between moments.
   There  is  no  such  thing  as  a  perfect  image ,
      only  a  perfect moment."

By  photographer , Joe Buissink

Thanks  for stopping by.

Saturday, February 14, 2015

This Week's Photographer's Quote

This  week,s  photographer,s  quote;

"Confining yourself  exclusively to early and late hour photography
does not guarantee the making  of  a  great  photograph.
I  take  the  radical  route  and say  that  you can  photograph  landscapes
throughout the  day .  Other  than  the  need  for  some  amount  of  light,
there'so  reason  to  put  your  camera  away  at  any time  of  the  day."

Quote  by  photographer , Bruce Barnbaum

Thanks  for  stopping  by.

Friday, February 6, 2015

This Week's Photographer's Quote

This  week,s  photographer,s quote.

" It's not the technical, the gear, that sharpness
    that  will  make  you  a  better  photographer.
   It  is  your  connection  to  your  work.
   That's  the  magic  that  no  one  can  replicate.
    So  what's  really  missing  from  your  photography?
     Nothing  more  and  nothing  less!"

Quote  by  photographer , Olivier Duong

Thanks  for  stopping  by.

Sunday, February 1, 2015

This Week's Photographer's Quote

This  week,s  photographer,s  quote

"If  we limit  our  vision to the real world,
we will forever be fighting on the minus
side of things, working only to make our
photographs equal to what we see out there,
  but no better."

Quote by photographer , Gale Rowell

Thanks  for stopping  by.