Thursday, December 31, 2015

Reflections Christmas Moon

A cloudy Christmas night on Lake DeFuniak.
Christmas decoration lights circle the lake in DeFuniak Springs,  Florida .

Thanks for stopping by,

Saturday, December 26, 2015

Baldwin Avenue , Wet And Dark

My attempt at night photography.
A wet night in December 2015  on Baldwin Ave in DeFuniak Springs Florida.
It had rained ,the clouds coming in were real low, some Christmas lights hanging across the street,
I think not as sharp as it could have been, because I left the VR switch on the on the lens .

Thanks for stopping by,

Sunday, December 13, 2015

Saturday, December 12, 2015

Christmas Parade 2015 DeFuniak Springs Women's Club

2015 Christmas Parade DeFuniak Springs Florida

This Week's Photographer's Quote

This  Week,s  Photographer,s  Quote,

"My  pictures are never pre-visialized  or planned.
  I feel  strongly that pictures  must  come from
   contact with  things at  the  time  and place  of  taking.
  At  such  times , I  rely  on  intuitive, perceptual  responses
  to  guide  me , using  reason  only  after  the  final
   print  is  made  to  accept  or  reject  the  results  of  my  work."

Quote  by photographer , Wynn Bullock

Thanks  for  stopping  by.

Friday, November 20, 2015

This Week's Photographer's Quote

This  Week.s  Photographer,s  Quote,

"You become things, you become an  atmosphere,  and if  you  become  it,
    which  means  you  incorporate  it  within  you, you  can also  give  it  back.
You  can  put  this  feeling  into  a  picture.
  A  painter  can  do it,  and  a  musician  can  do  it  and  I  think  a
   photographer  can  do  that  too  and  that  I  would  call  the
    dreaming  with  open  eyes."

By  photographer  , Ernst Haas

Thanks  for  stopping  by,

Friday, November 13, 2015

This Week's Photographer's Quote

This  Week,s  Photographer,s  Quote,

"One  of the  biggest  mistakes  a  photographer  can  make
   is  to  look  at  the  real  world  and  cling  to  the  vain  hope
    that    next  time  his  film  will  somehow  bear  a
     closer  resemblance  to  it."

By  photographer ,  Galen Rowell

Thanks  for  stopping  by,


Friday, November 6, 2015

This Week's Photographer's Quote,

This  Week,s  Photographer,s  Quote,

" Simplify  everything ,
    so you  can  feel  the  shots  out  there  waiting  for  you.
   This  gives  you  a  better  sense  of  your  surroundings
      and  more  compelling  pictures."

By  photographer , Clyde Butcher.

Thanks  for  stopping  by.

Friday, October 30, 2015

This Week's Photographer's Quote

This  Week,s  Photographer,s  Quote:

"A photograph is a meeting place where  the interests  of the photographer,
   the  photographed ,  the viewer ,  and  those who  are  using  the
    photographs  are  often  contradictory.
 These  contradictions  both  hide  and  increase  the  natural  ambiguity
   of  the  photographic  image."

By  photographer ,  John  Berger

Thanks  for  stopping  by,


Sunday, October 25, 2015

Saturday, October 24, 2015

This Week's Photographer's Quote

This  Week,s  Photographer,s  Quote,

"I  didn't want  to  tell  the  tree  or  weed  what  is  was.
   I  wanted  it  to  tell  me  something  and  through
     me  express  its  meaning  in  nature."

By  photographer ,  Wynn Bullock,

Thanks  for  stopping  by,

Sunday, October 18, 2015

This Week's Photographer's Quote

This  Week,s  Photographer,s  Quote,

Sorry I have been  busy  with  life , but  here it  is,

"Everyone  has  a  photographic  memory,
   But  not  everyone  has  film."

By ---  Author  Known,

Thanks  for  stopping  by,

Friday, September 18, 2015

This Week's Photographer's Quote

This  Week,s  photographer,s  Quote;

"A  photograph  is  like  a  recipe --
  a  memory  the  finished  dish."

by photographer,  Carrie Latet

Thanks  for  stopping  by,

Saturday, September 12, 2015

This Week's Photographer's Quote

This  Week,s  Photographer,s  Quote

"One  photo out of focus  is  a  mistake,
   ten photos  out of  focus  are  an experimentation,
     one  hundred  photos  out  of  focus are  a  style."

by  Author UnKnown

Thanks  for  stopping  by,

Friday, September 11, 2015

Ugly Comes With Pretty

Another photo jaunt to the "Pond" this morning.
Tried to get some sunrise shots , and ended up with this.
Sometimes , a little  ugly  comes with the pretty.

Thanks for stopping by,

Saturday, September 5, 2015

This Week's Photographer's Quote

This  Week,s  Photographer,s  Quote,
"A  Ming Vase  can  be  well-designed  and  well-made  and  is  beautiful  for  that  reason  alone.
   I don't  think  this  can  be  true  for  photography.  Unless  there  is  something  a  little  incomplete  and  a  little strange,  it  will  simply  look  like  a  copy  of  something  pretty.
  We  won't  take  an  interest  in  it.

By  photographer , John Loengard

Thanks  for  stopping  by.

Saturday, August 29, 2015

This Week's Photographer's Quote

This  Week,s  Photographer,s  Quote,

"It  pleases  me  to  take  amateur  photographs  of  my  garden,
   and  it  pleases  my  garden  to  make  my  photographs
    look  professional."
 By  photographer , Robert Brault.

Thanks  for  stopping  by,
also see my  work on my Facebook page , Flikr
   and  Fine Art America

Friday, August 28, 2015

Friday, August 21, 2015

This Week's Photographer's Quote

This  week,s  photographer,s  quote,

"I never question  what  to  do,
  it  tells  me  what  to  do.
  The  photographs make  themselves
   with  my  help."

By  photographer , Ruth Bernhard.

Thanks  for  stopping  by.

A lily pad bloom before it woke up this morning,


Saturday, August 15, 2015

This Week's Photographer's Quote

This  week,s  photographer,s  quote,

"Actually , I'm not all that interested  in  the  subject  of  photography.
   Once  the picture is in the box , I'm  not  at  all  interested in  what  happens  next.
    Hunters , after  all ,  aren't  cooks."

By  photographer ,  Henri Cartier-Bresson

Thanks  for  stopping  by,

And Get out and shoot something !


Friday, August 14, 2015

From this mornings photo jaunt.
I did not see the ant until I uploaded
my photos to my computer to process.

Sunday, August 9, 2015

This Week's Photographer's Quote

This  Week,s  Photographer,s  Quote,

"There  will be  times  when  you  will be out  in  nature  without  a  camera.
   And,  you  will  see  the  most  glorious  sunset  or  the  most  beautiful  scene
    that  you  have  ever  witnessed !
     Don't  be  bitter  because   you  can't  record  it.
      Sit down. Drink it in .  And  enjoy  it  for  what  it  is!"

Author not known?

Thanks  for  stopping  by,

Thursday, July 30, 2015

This Week's Photographer's Quote

This  week,s  photographer,s  quote ;

"And  in  not  learning  the  rules of photography,  I was  free.
  I  always  say , you're  either defined  by  the  medium
   or  you  redefine  the  medium  in  terms  of  your  needs."

by photographer , Duane Michals

thanks  by  stopping  by,
get out and shoot something.

Sunday, July 26, 2015

This Week's Photographer's Quote

This  week,s  photographer,s  quote,

"I would say to any artist;
  Don't be repressed in your work,
   dare to  experiment , consider  any  urge,
   if  in  a new  direction  all  the  better."

by  photographer, Edward Weston

Thanks  for  stopping by,
and Go shoot something!

Friday, July 24, 2015

This Week's Photographer's Quote

This  week,s  photographer,s  quote,

"Photography is an art form like no other.
  It allows you to instantaneously capture time,
   and at the same moment , fade the colors of  day
     into night so that you can print them out again
      and give them to the world,
      in the purity of black and white."

By photographer , Andri Cauldwell.

Thanks for stopping by,

Saturday, July 4, 2015

This Week's Photographer's Quote

This  week,s  photographer,s  quote,

"Never stop looking,  no matter where you are,
   everywhere  there are  good  photographs."

By  photographer , Art Wolfe.

Thanks for stopping  by.

Tuesday, June 30, 2015

Another One From My Back Yard

If you live in Florida, there is a Magnolia tree somewhere close to where you live.
They normally produce blooms for most of the summer.
Through their life cycle the blooms can be very interesting to photograph.

Thanks for stopping by.

Saturday, June 20, 2015

Another one  from  my  backyard.
Wet  from a  heavy  overnight  dew.

Thanks  for  stopping  by.

This Week's Photographer's Quote

This week,s  photographer,s  quote;

"At  the end of the day,  stay focused  on  your goals,
   Keep  your  cool  , and do all the  things  that  others don't  do.
   It  is  the  best  way  to  stand  out  from  the  mainstream
   crowd [of photographers]  and to improve  your  photography."

Quote  by , photographer , Dzvonko Petrovski

Thanks  for  stopping   by.

Sunday, June 14, 2015

This Week's Photographer's Quote

This week,s  photographer,s  quote;

"Photography is pretty simple stuff.
  You  react  to  what  you  see,  and
   take  many,  many  pictures."

By photographer, Elliott Erwitt.

Thanks  for  stopping by.

Saturday, June 6, 2015

This Week's Photographer's Quote

This  week,s  photographer,s  quote,

"I now measure my growth as a photographer in terms of the degrees to which
   I  am  aware of ,  have  developed  my  sense of ,  and  have  the  skills  to
   symbolize  visually  the  four-dimensional  structure  of  the  universe."

by  photographer , Wynn Bullock.

Thanks  for  stopping  by,

Saturday, May 30, 2015

This Week's Photographer's Quote

This  week,s   photographer,s  quote,

"It  happen's  to  all of  us.
   The light  looks  great , we  rush  out  the  door
     with  our  camera  bag   and  start  to  shoot.
    Only  then  do  we  realize  we  are  missing  something. "

Quote by  photographer , Jason Row

Thanks  for  stopping  by.

Sunday, May 24, 2015

This Week's Photographer's Quote

This  week,s  photographer,s  quote,

"What is a subject?
   Most  simply  put, a subject is what you photograph.
   In other words, a subject can be anything and anything
   can  be  a  subject.
   But  few  photographers  believe  that.
   They  impose  restrictions  as  to  subjects proper
    for  photography. They form definite notions as  to
    what sort  of  things  are  proper  subjects  for  photographs."

Quote  by  photographer , Derek Doeffinger

Thanks  for  stopping  by.

Sunday, May 17, 2015

Friday, May 15, 2015

This Week's Photographer's Quote

This  week,s  photographer,s  quote,

"Inner Conviction; I've referred  to this several times previously
  as a 'gut feeling' that your imagery has meaning beyond its obvious,
  outward trappings. Inner conviction also means your way of expressing
   your personal view as you see it, and as you want it seen  by others."

Quote by photographer , Bruce Barnbaum.

Thanks for stopping by.

Friday, May 8, 2015

This Week's Photographer's Quote

This  Week,s  Photographer,s  Quote,

   "Photography,  as  a  powerful  medium  of
     expression  and  communications,
     offers  an  infinite  variety  of  perception,
      interpretation  and  execution."
Quote  by  photographer , Ansel Adams

Thanks for stopping by.

Saturday, May 2, 2015

This Week's Photographer's Quote

This  week,s  photographer,s  quote

"To me, photography is an art of observation.
  It's  about  finding  something  interesting  in an
  ordinary place.... I've found  it  has  little  to do  with
  the  things  you  see  and  everything  to  do  with
   the  way  you  see  them."

By  photographer , Elliott Erwitt

Thanks  for  stopping  by.

Friday, April 24, 2015

This Week's Photographer's Quote

This  week,s  photographer,s  quote,

"There  are two  kinds  of  photographers; those  who  compose  pictures
    and  those  who  take  them.
  The  former work in studios. For  the  latter, the studio  is  the  world....
   For  them, the  ordinary  doesn't  exist;  everything  in  life  is  a
    source  of  nourishment.

By  photographer , Ernst  Haas

Thanks  for  stopping  by.

Saturday, April 18, 2015

With  all  the  rain  we  have  been  having  here  in  Argyle,Florida ,
raindrops  on  the  wild  honeysuckle  blooms  looked  fairly  nice,
so  I  braved the  elements, got  a little  wet , but got a  nice picture.