Sunday, November 24, 2013

This Week's Photographers Quote

This  Week,s  Photographer,s  Quote

"Trust  that  little  voice  in  your  head  that  says," Wouldn't it be interesting  if...."
And  then  do  it.-- "
By  Duane Michals

Thanks  for  stopping  by.
Your  Comments  are  welcome.

Saturday, November 16, 2013

This Week's Photographer's Quote

This  week,s  photographer,s quote,

"A  landscape  image  cuts  across  all  political  and  national  boundaries,
it  transcends  the  constraints  of  language  and  culture."
By photographer , Charlie Waite

Thanks  for  stopping  by.
Comments  are  welcome.

Sunday, November 10, 2013

This Week's Photographer's Quote

This  week,s  photographers quote;

""Open  your  ears  to  the  ideas  and  suggestions  of  GOD. "
By  photographer , Jacques-Henri Lartigue.

An  interesting quote.

Thanks  for  stopping by.
Comments  are  welcome.
If  you would  like  to  see  a  little  bit  of  my  work
go to ,

Saturday, November 2, 2013

This Week,s Photographer,s Quote

This  week,s  photographer,s  quote,

" It's  important  for  an  artist  to  have  passion  for  the  medium  they  use.
Without  that  passion ,
  There  is  no  heart  or  soul  in  the  work."

by  the  great  photographer ,  Clyde Butcher.

Thank,s  for  stopping  by.

Comment,s  are  welcome.

Life At Ground Level

Life at ground level  is  some times ignored or missed.