Sunday, June 23, 2013

In The Backyard

Sometimes when you get bored ,
ease into your backyard if you have one.


What you might see if you look might
surprise you.

These were take in my backyard  when
an afternoon thundershower  had  finished up.

I should have also taken bug spray.
Skitters were rough!!

This Weeks Photographers Quote,

This Weeks  Photographers  Quote

Is by one of my favorite  Florida photographers,
Clyde Butcher,

"Niki and I hope you take today and
Live like there's no tomorrow ,
Laugh as  much  as it hurts  and
bring that camera to capture the moment
so the memory  will  last  forever."

by photographer  ,Clyde Butcher

Friday, June 21, 2013

Does It Matter ?

Is it "Take a Photo"   or  "Capture an Image" ?

Should it even matter ?

Is it not the end result that really  matters?

Whether you are the creator or the recipient ,
the feelings , emotions  and  memories  of the event
that is photographed , should be all that  matters.

Thursday, June 20, 2013

Thank You,
 for coming to my blog.

I welcome any comments you may have.

If so inclined , I have posted some on my work at:

Thank You,

Sunday, June 16, 2013

This Week's Photography Quote

This  Week's  Photography Quote,

"Light makes photography.
Embrace the light.
Admire it.
Love it.
But above all,  know light.
Know it for all your worth,
and you will know  the key  to photography."

By  photographer ,  George Eastman.

Friday, June 14, 2013

Bugs Compete For Food ?

Recently out in my yard , I was looking for something photograph.
While photoing magnolia blooms , I spotted a honey bee an another type of insect
on the same bloom. Looks like the honey bee won!

Tuesday, June 11, 2013

This Week's Photographers Quote

This Week's Photographers Quote;

" People criticized me for my photography.
They said it's not art."

By , David Hockney , Photographer

Sunday, June 9, 2013


Here is a couple practice shots from my garage studio inexpensive lighting set-up.

Rainy Day Practice

Inexpensive lighting set-up that I used to shoot flowers in my garage on rainy afternoon.
I used really dark sheets as a backdrop and on a short stool. 
I had an old utility light and put some aluminum foil on it to focus the 100 watt light bulb.
The back drop was clamped to the garage door.
The stool was about four feet from the back drop.
I used a tripod and had a lot of time to learn and practice , it rained a lot that weekend.

Saturday, June 8, 2013


Sometimes all there is to photograph , is clouds,

Friday, June 7, 2013

Need Help

Help Needed,

Honest Input,
Constructive Critique,

Photos  at

Thanks For Looking!

Sunday, June 2, 2013

This Weeks Photographers Quote

This weeks Quote;

This weeks quote is from a premier  landscape photographer who resides in South Florida,
His name is  Clyde Butcher .

"I've been pursuing the concept of wilderness preservation since 1961. I think it's
important for an artist to have a passion--you need to find a source of inspiration."
By Clyde Butcher , Photographer